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Foodgasm Anchor
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Siddharth Kudgunti

Project Overview

The Product:

Kay’s Food Delivery app is one common platform for all the restaurants in the town. The target audience are the one who don't have time to go and pick their meals due to the tight schedule. Our app will help the user order a meal and can get it delivered at their doorstep or can pick the order from the restaurant so that they can manage their time accordingly

Project Duration:

January 2022 to March 2022

The Problem:

Busy workers and commuters lack the necessary time to prepare their meals

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Project Overview

The Product:

                 Foodgasm's Food Delivery app is one common platform for all the restaurants in the town. The target audience is the one who doesn't have time to go and pick up their meals due to their tight schedule. Our app will help the user order a meal and can get it delivered at their doorstep or can choose the order from the restaurant so that they can manage their time accordingly

Project Duration:

January 2022 to March 2022

The Problem:

Busy workers and commuters lack the necessary time to prepare their meals

The Goal:

Design an app that can deliver the food at doorsteps and provide notifications and the status of the orders.

My Role:

UX Designer from conception to delivery


               I was conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

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Understanding The User

User Research: Summary

                I’ve conducted a survey and created an empathy map to understand users so that I can design the product. The most common users are adults who are working professionals.


               The most important factor which I came to know after my research is that minor details also matter a lot. Like having proper info on the dishes helps users decide on the dishes or just having a simple UI without overwhelming information on the home page can help users search for their desired food and order it

User research: pain points

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Time is really an important factor for the people who work in shifts and tight schedule

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Too much of informations on the homepage makes few users confused and cluster


Not providing proper images and details of the dishes makes users not to try different dishes

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The user needs to know where their order is or needs to know if it's getting delayed.

Persona 1: Riya

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Persona 2: Shay

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User journey map:

Persona: Riya

Goal: Have a simple and sober food delivery app which can update me of the orders due to any situation

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Starting the Design

Paper Wireframe:

                 Taking time to iterate for each screen helped to find new ideas which can be used in the wireframe and also helped me to address the pain points. E.g. for the home page, I’ve added the list of previous orders to make it quick and time-saving

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Digital Wireframe:

For the initial phase of the design I made use that I’ve addressed the problem that is time constraint

Just by clicking on any of the previous orders it will navigate to the order page

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Just by clicking on any of the previous orders it will navigate to the order page

This section will help the users who would like to try out new different things

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Low Fidelity Prototype:

                  Using the completed set of digital wireframes, I created a low-fidelity prototype. The primary user flow I connected was ordering their previous orders and adding items from the menu and completing the order process

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View Foodgasm's Delivery App: Low Fidelity Prototype

Usability study: findings

Round 1 Findings:

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  1. The user wants to order quickly

  2. The user wants notification of the status of the order and the time for the delivery


Round 2 Findings:

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  1. Pop-up for the added item should make it catchy

  2. Single-use of colour for all the headers

  3. Change the colour of theme based on the type of food selection (if possible)


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Refining the Design


                   In early design, there was a dedicated space for the Offers and under Recommendations, there was no separation between dishes and restaurants. After the usability study, there is a dedicated page for Offers and users can toggle between Dishes and Restaurants under the Top-rated section

Before Usability Study

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After Usability Study

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                  The second usability study helped me to recognise that users were getting confused about the highlighted parts of the header as an actionable element. Hence to avoid that I had to make the colour of the header monochrome

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Before Usability Study 2

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After Usability Study 2

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More Screens....

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High Fidelity Prototype:

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View Foodgasm's Delivery App: High Fidelity Prototype

Accessibility considerations:

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Provide a language translation feature for the people who doesn't understand English

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Used icons to help make navigation easier

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The Kay’s Food Delivery App definitely help user to order their meals quickly

What I Learn

The most important thing I’ve learned is that whatever we plan initially will not be the same outcome. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each iteration of the app’s designs.

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